In a new theory paper by Oliver and Dmitry just published in Physical Review Letters, we show that placing two atoms into a “fish eye cavity” results in a periodic emission and absorption of a single photon between them – similar to an ultrafast ping-pong game at the speed of light. See the press release of TU Wien for more information.
Author: Stefan Rotter
Carlos wins Quantum Austria grant from FWF
Carlos Gonzalez Ballestero obtained funding from the FWF through the Quantum Austria program – congratulations! Check his website for the openings associated with this funding at the following link.
Good bye Ivor and welcome Carlos
Our long-term postdoc and collaborator Ivor Krešić is leaving the group to take up a permanent position at the Institute of Physics in Zagreb and Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero from the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Innsbruck is joining us on a tenure-track position. All the best, Ivor, for your future endeavours – we hope to stay in touch! – and welcome, Carlos – we look forward to the collaboration!
The triggered quantum avalanche
Together with the team of Jörg Schmiedmayer at the Atominstitut, we demonstrated how to halt and then trigger the super-radiant decay of an ensemble of inverted Nitrogen-Vacany spins in diamond. From our group, Oliver performed the calculations, reaching very good agreement with the experimental data. For more details see the corresponding open access paper in Physical Review Letters and the associated press release from TU Wien.
New review on multi-mode fibres
Kevin defended his PhD
Kevin Pichler successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Generalized Application and Time-Reversal of the Lasing Principle” – congratulations! Many thanks go to Lorenzo Pavesi and Alex Krasnok for serving as external referees.
Michael receives Erwin Schrödinger fellowship
Our recently graduated Dr. Horodynski will receive the Erwin Schrödinger fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). With this grant Michael will join the group of Marin Soljačić at MIT in Boston to work on probabilistic computing with quantum light. Congratulations and all the best for your postdoc in the US!
Alex defended his PhD
Alexander Schumer successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Exceptional Physics near non-Hermitian Degeneracies” – congratulations! Many thanks go to Ulf Peschel and Iacopo Carusotto for serving as external referees.
A motion freezer for many particles
Our work on cooling multiple levitated particles with wavefront shaping has jointly been published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review A. The two articles were selected for coverage in Physics and received the PRA Editors’ Suggestion. Special thanks go to Jakob and Nicolas for a lot of work in a long but rewarding process!
Ivor receives ESQ discovery grant
Ivor Krešić, our Lise-Meitner postdoctoral fellow, received a Discovery Grant from the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (ESQ) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!